Acumentice introduces new Sigma platform at HETT North 2025!

At the recent HETT North conference in Manchester, Acumentice was delighted to introduce delegates to our brand-new platform, Sigma, which is designed to help NHS Trusts improve productivity, create smarter pathways and ultimately provide better care.
Our Founder and Managing Director, Karina Malhotra, our Principal Consultant Philip Purdy and our technology partner Olly Cogan from AlphaLake AI headed north to exhibit at the event, which aims to enable 'meaningful collaboration' across the digital health and care community.
They were there to tell people all about our Sigma products, our new automation-led platforms that are designed to ensure that figures such as '1 in 7 people are now on an NHS waiting list' become a thing of the past. Sigma empowers NHS teams to manage care more proactively and efficiently by improving productivity and cutting time spent on manual tasks.
What does Sigma offer?
With waiting lists continuing to remain very high, and the pressures on Trusts to improve their productivity greater than ever, we were eager to come up with a seamless solution that solves these issues and actively helps to reduce the risk of patient harm.
Our solution can be delivered flexibly and seamlessly integrates with existing systems and processes:
Sigma Intelligence is the engine that drives the insights and benefits of our solution. It enhances productivity and accuracy through a customisable plug-in, delivering real-time insights on your pathway information and delivers real-time task prompts to support your teams to establish quickly what is required next for each patient group.
Building on Sigma Intelligence, Sigma View also delivers an intuitive visual interface that streamlines workflows, supports collaboration between teams and transforms the productivity of pathway management.
Suitable for use in the short-term or as part of a wide programme of improvement, Sigma Pulse has an in-depth focus on data quality and provides a snapshot of your current position by carrying out the rapid assessments necessary to deliver the insights for the priority next steps.
Why have we launched Sigma?
As a team of ex-NHS leaders, we understand – and have witnessed first-hand - the data and pathway management struggles faced by the NHS and the challenges this has created for waiting times and patient care overall. Currently, NHS staff spend 40% of their time on administrative tasks rather than direct patient care. We are here to change that.
Sigma, which has been co-designed with NHS organisations, aims to ensure we create better, automated workflows which lead to better use of staff time and better outcomes for patients. With data integration from multiple sources, visualisation of whole patient pathways, automated task prompts and real-time intelligence all working together in tandem, our aim is to improve productivity and reduce patient waiting times at a time when it’s needed more than ever.
“We are delighted to introduce Sigma to the world,” Karina said. “We have been working hard to develop the solution, and we know it can bring real value to NHS Trusts. It was great to have discussions at HETT North with interested parties, and we are excited to continue to roll the product out to improve patients’ pathways at every step of the journey.”
She added: “We know the government has a big reform agenda, and Sigma offers a platform for reforming how we do the fundamentals which make a huge difference in immediate terms. Furthermore, our vision for the future of the product is bold and encompasses AI to add further value to the NHS and our patients.”
If you would like to find out more about Sigma, please check out the website here or get in touch with us at for more information.
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