Integrated care systems
We have worked with several ICSs to deliver strategic improvement projects, including elective care recovery planning in secondary care and primary care access improvement. In addition, our expert team is on hand to support the implementation of individual projects and programmes of work such as development of the CDC model endoscopy improvement, etc.
Primary and community care
Primary care is where it all starts. As a result, it’s really important to address pathway challenges that begin here, especially when it comes to the interface with the population, community services and secondary care services. Our aim is to ensure that we focus on the needs of the patients in the local area and focus on reducing health inequalities.
Secondary care
Having extensive experience in frontline roles at all levels in secondary and acute sectors, we are able to design and implement solutions at pace.
Mental health trusts
We have partnered with several mental health trusts to cut waiting lists and use in-depth data validation to improve the quality and accuracy of the data that mental health organisations have at their disposal – both in acute and community-based settings.