The importance of knowing “why” when using data

Data – and how best to make use of it to solve problems and streamline processes – is increasingly important across many industries. The NHS has more data at its disposal than most, with healthcare providers holding vast quantities across multiple systems, but it could certainly be said that available data in a healthcare setting isn’t maximised to its fullest potential or utilised as effectively as it is in other business sectors.
Which is a potential missed opportunity, as – used effectively – it can be a real catalyst for change in challenging times.
With this in mind, Adam Ceney – our Head of Analytics, and someone who lives and breathes data on a daily basis – has written an article in the HSJ setting out how data could be better leveraged as an asset.
He talks about why just having the data is not enough, it’s what you choose to do with it that really makes the difference. This includes enabling employees to use the right data at the right time, in the most efficient format, and fully embracing data maturity.
He also sets out why data is not always leveraged as an asset and how this could be resolved for the better. Lastly, he sets out two approaches – data discovery and data strategy – and explains how these can be a great starting point for making more (and greater) use of data.
You can read the full article by clicking here.
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