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Open Access Government – How technology can transform the elective care challenge
In this article, published by Open Access Government, our managing director, Karina Malhotra, outlines the importance of working with clinicians to manage waiting lists and harnessing technology to help ensure the data held is of high quality.
Published on
February 26, 2021

The concept of using technology to help improve delivery and systems within in the NHS is not new. As waiting lists grow ever longer and are now at their highest levels since records began, the use of technology can surely be capitalised further to improve patient safety.
In this recently published article by Open Access Government, our Managing Director, Karina Malhotra, outlines the importance of working with clinicians to manage waiting lists and harnessing technology to help ensure the data held is of high quality so that the individual needs of patients are met foremost.
Click here to read more.
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